Funding Resources for your Growing Business & SRED: Agri-Food Businesses

Funding Resources for your Growing Business

Whether as start-up or a strong, successful international firm, understanding funding resources to support your growing business is critical. Ideal businesses to take this course must be: 2+ years in business, in the Agri-Foods Industry and in growth mode. By the end of this course, the participant will understand various funding resources, learn about key business ratios and what key items to have in place before asking for funding and finally how to match resources to types of funding structures. The participant will walk away with a good understanding of funding resources, key ratios, identify SRED eligible projects and how to match funding resources to the right funding structures. Course will be in a classroom setting.


Course Modules

  1. Module One: Funding Resources                                                            1 hour


  1. Module Two: Financial Ratios – Balance Sheet                                   1 hour


  1. Module Three: Financial Ratios – Income Statement                        1 hour


  1. Module Four: Key Items to have in Place                                             1 hour


  1. Module Five: Funding Structures                                                           1 hour 


  1. Module Six: The Basics, a SRED overview                                            3 hours

Assessment Method

Participants will be assessed as follows:

  • In Class Participation
  • Review of concepts during in-class activities
  • Review of financials statement understanding


Total Training Duration/Length: 8 hours

  • Total in-class sessions: One

Maximum participants: 15 participants

Delivery Method

  • Classroom

On-on-One training sessions post classroom session (within three months of training): 3 sessions (one-hour each)


Total Cost of Program:

$1,500 plus GST


  • Travel – for follow up with participants are not included


Vancouver, Langley, Abbotsford


Langley: OCTOBER 2017


Instructor Bio


Rita Kim is financial industry specialist with a passion for service and a keen eye for the details that can make or break a growing business.  With a 20+ year background in entrepreneurship and working with both traditional and non-traditional lending institutions, Rita can teach you and your team the very risk assessment strategies that financial institutions use to analyze an organization’s potential for success.  In doing so, she can help you understand your financial position to make powerful, knowledge-based decisions, assess and mitigate risk, and secure the financing and key partnerships you need to grow and flourish in today’s highly competitive business climate.


With over two decades building connections in the world of business and finance, working with over 10,000 businesses, running over 100+ workshops, as well as being a certified trainer and facilitator, Rita is uniquely qualified to help in all of these respects. In the process, Partners for Growth will assess, educate, and empower its clients and their businesses: a threefold method for mitigating risk, maximizing profits, and maintaining long-term success.


Rita has also cultivated a particularly fruitful relationship with the Agri-Food sector.  As a vetted consultant with the Ministry of Agriculture, Partners for Growth’s assistance can be subsidized by the Growing Forward 2 Grant, for food processors and producers. She also facilitates Business Planning Workshops throughout BC on behalf of the Ministry. Over 300 businesses have now moved through these workshops, with many now collaborating with one another to build and grow the local BC Agriculture industry.


Rita and her team run four divisions now within Partners for Growth: Growth (business plans, strategy and funding packages), Financial Modeling (costing, projections and investor models), Books (bookkeeping: organizing, set up and maintenance) and Education (speaking engagements, workshops and courses). They absolutely love empowering Entrepreneurs and watching them succeed! Despite their initial misgivings, Rita often manages to convince her clients that Finance is Fun!”



Instructor Bio:

Peggy Aulenback, SRED Consultant/Trainer and President of PMA Consulting Ltd.


Peggy has been involved with SRED since 1992.  First in her own practice for 25 years then in 2014 she sold the practice to Deloitte-the largest accounting firm in the world.  She was made Partner in the SRED division and recently retired from Deloitte to resume private practice.  She brings with her an extensive knowledge of the program, the practical way of applying the complex SRED rules to small and medium sized businesses, and she collaborates with experienced SRED writers and accountants to get the applications prepared.


Peggy is teaching SRED now as a way to assist companies and their employees to have a good understanding of the SRED program before the work is undertaken, as the expectations of the CRA, in recent years, has moved to early identification and documenting SRED as the work progresses.


She often tells clients, “treat SRED like your best customer”.  Giving the program the attention it needs renders sure results that you can bank on!